SA300 - TPS SENSOR Volvo

Quick Overview
For volvo S60/V70/S70/C70/S80 Magneti Marelli electronic throttle body, This is an contactless improved version. One sensor has two angle detecting chips, therefore only one TPS cap needs to be replaced.


Electronic Throttle Body Volvo. Made by Magneti Marelli


Volvo S60, V70, S70, C70, S80

Package: in box

Dimension(L x W x H): 22*18*11cm

Net Weight: 1kg

Standard Package: 1unit/box

1. Please inspect the products quantity, appearance, out & inner packing within 3 Working-Days

    after receiving them, otherwise, Sacer will not cover it in warranty.

2. Out-package: If the out-package broken or short in quantity when arrived , please apply for

    compensation from express company.

3 Inner-package: If the products broken or damaged when you inspect, please contact with Sacer

    sales department in time.